Dork........ .......... .. . ...... ........... .. . ... ...... .. . .... ..... .. .... ... .......... .... . . ..... Yeah its morse code, no big deal
Tell Heather sorry for burning her hair. Also for anything else that I may have done that warrants and apology. Anything after about 10pm is kind of hazy.
Maybe she gives good head
A girl who still calls a dick a "wiener"cannot possibly give good head
I'm outside your house...sorry I feel like I don't need formal invites anymore.
Is it possible for Craig Seger to wear a normal suit and not look like an asshole on national tv?
her cat watched me eat her out... I would use the alternate term for both of those things but it's too weird.
Wow, I just sneezed gum out of my nose. Wonder how long that's been up there.
Okay well someone asked "IS HE HOMELESS?" about me so I need to try and find somebody.
So I hooked up with a guy with a mustache and woke up on a dragon futon underneath a dragon yin-tang tapestry... My life is spiraling in a weird way.
Oh and apparently Friday night I came home and tried assembling the Christmas tree until my mom just told me to go to bed. Blackout.
Lets have the type of night where its 5am and one of us has definitely punched someone who has been on a Disney Channel show.
This is my gift to your gina
The guy that stalks me just looked out his window and saw me in his neighbor's hot tub. Get your shit ready the fraternity wars are starting.
Spending Thanksgiving making a swinging profile brings the day to a whole new level...
Sometimes intelligent conversation doesn't mix well with a romantic interest. It's possible the two are best kept separate. Toys should just stay in the toy box.