Question for you. Are boobs and hands polarly charged, thus causing the inevitable joining of the two. If so are some breasts simply charged backwards
I walked up to her and said hello and wanted to ask her if she had fun last night... she asked me if we had met before.
Have u Seen that eharmony commercial where the guy goes " I don't know how I could love her anymore, but tomorrow I will'. Yeah that guy should kill himself
He whinnies like a horse when he's cumming. I wish I would have known this before we got into a relationship.
So did u puke in his bathroom or all over his Olympic medals? Please say medals...
He told his ice cream cone it 'looked cute' and then started to cry. The Dairy Queen people were not pleased.
I'm going to get pregnant and die... Mean Girls warned me about this but I didn't listen
My new dealer is 16. I have been getting high longer than he has been alive.
I don't see the problem
I want you to get your positive energy all over me. I want to to look like something from Ghostbusters.
Thought I was doing makeup today for a photo shoot for a short film. WRONG. Try I'm on the set for a Fucking Sci-Fi PORN.
Wanna play whack-a-mole in my pants?
Your word choices worry me.
I can insert a female catheter, but I cannot grill a cheese.
I'm texting you know although you won't get this until you wake up. the only reason you are strapped to your bed is because you were trying to fly out your window.
Hey, I'm sleeping in your just knock on the window in the morning
Ever look at an ex and wonder...was I drunk that entire relationship??
Yes, yes I do.