4:24 what is wrong with you that you have to ruin things for people. In my head, everytime 2 or more girls have a "girls night out" it ends in a white-cotton-panty-pillow-fight...
This person could be explaining to someone else that her and her friend did it, thus asking the outsider in the situation if it was weird. So explaining it seems perfectly normal.
I choose to imagine that they were both hot, there by making this the best post ever. The only thing that would beat it is if there was talk of oral exchange. other than that... awesome!
4:30- haha really?
wow you must be so prude...
i walk around naked in front of my friends and they do the same.
we're sober and straight.
it's 2009, not 1940 anymore.
people are more open about things.
i think this is real. i was sort of drunk once with my
friend and we did this...thing is we ended up makinf out and scissoring afterwards. not a bad memory but still kind of weird because i have a boyfriend
@ parties me and my friends always make out.
and then post pictures on fb of it. and totally get hit on by 50 yrold men.
shhhyea no. i like to keep it classy:)
I whip out my dick and show it to all my friends, regardless of gender. I don't discriminate. I'd also allow them to point out any flaws, but unfortunately my dick is perfect.
when i met my friends older sister, who is friends with my sister, the first thing she said was, "oh my god, you haven't seen my pussy yet!" and proceeded to try to show me. maybe this girl met someone just like her?
4:30 #2 not true. me and my best friend change in front of each other sober. i dont know why its so hard to believe. buuuuuuuuut this text up there is really weird...
i dontt think its fakee cause ive done this before with my best friendd
we were bothh superr superr drunk and my boyfriend decided to video it and he showed me in the morninggg.
no..this isnt weird. my friend and i have actually done this before. we're dancers though. i think it's because we grew up together so its not so creepy.
Yeah, I did stuff like this in like 5th grade when we were just starting learn about sex. Even though I can actually imagine this happening, I'd have to agree with 7:47. Besides, most straight girls would probably be either embarrassed or just not remember something like this...hence no text would have happened.
My friend and I did that with our chests in like 6th grade. Any older and below the belt is just weird. Never would I get naked (sober) and let people examine me and point out my flaws. That's just awkward and weird.
..... i don't think it's very weird.
i mean last time my friend and i were swimming and we decied to take our bikini bottoms off and then my friend was all like "Ooooh let me see" and she looked (although she couldn't see clearly t'cos of the water)
so i don't see anythign weird about it. if you're good friends and all...
but srsly. i hate the word pussy
4:30 (2), my roommates and I walk around in a constant state of undress, from fully nude to lingerie, to fully dressed. Any girl that tells your she doesn't get naked in front of her girls (especially when they're getting ready to go out) is a damn liar. Daydream away my friends.
4:50 is right. This site is good for laughs even though it's not all "real". MAYBE 4:28 says pussy is NASTY cuz she slurped on her own & couldn't cum full circle !
Everyone has called a fake on this one, but actually, my sister and I have definitely done this when drunk before. She went into the bathroom with me and when i pulled up my dress to pee, she exclaimed, "WE HAVE THE SAME VAGINA! LIFE YOUR DRESS AGAIN!" We had to think about it real hard to remember the next morning. Thus, I don't call fakesys.
i believe this one. only because it's totally something i can myself doing with one of my friends if we were really really drunk and went to the restroom together. i'm just saying i can see how it could happen, is all.
"Lick at me! No hands!"
"Eat em and weep."
dude, seriously tho, 7 ate 9.
whats hotter than one guy getting his gf and his ex to fuck? - a guy getting his gf and all his ex's to fuck!
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