Judging by the hole in the wall by the door, the mis-matched shoes by the door, and the door hanging off one hinge... i'd say he's on the loose.
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Get the nets, he must be captured before he reaches the city.
HEY YOU GUYS.....sorry goonies popped in my head
Or Big Foot from the beef jerky commercials.
No!! I'd say he had fun last night!!
Bring out the Gimp. Never mind, he broke out.
Your roommate's The Incredible Hulk?
TandA, me too!!
This is the area code\nFor Detroit it was prolly some big black man on crack I'm not saying that to be racist it's just what the statistics suggest
Or Chuck Norris
Obviously you have been messing with Sasquatch!
dude, put your dog in a crate at night or something.
Fired that's the last time you bring your son into work!
you won't like me when I'm angry!!!
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