seriously, i want to know what kind of shit yall are smoking\nnot once have i ever confused a trash can with a talk box when I'm high...seriously, if you are that fucked up..\nA. it's not from weed\nB. you shouldn't be driving...
You must be high off of something other than weed then. As many times as I blazed, I've never Ben that confused. Stay out of public when you're high. Getting caught just isn't worth it.
Obviously all you grammar Nazis understand what is being said, but if it makes up for YOUR tiny penis' then go for it. Just know that these guys will be banging YOUR chicks when YOU'RE working YOUR 9-9 jobs.
3:07, your = possesive tense. you're = contraction of you are. used in a sentence. YOU'RE probably going to work at Taco Bell with those people with YOUR spelling mistakes. lol
Really ppl are that proud to be high? They should be old school, have a couple bowls and watch Pink Floyd's the Wall, the movie before anyone says anything
Thank you, the consequences for getting busted out in public while under the influence aren't worth the high. Stay home or get a DD! I had a friend get pulled over in a drive through line for for this. 2 nights in jail, license revoked, and $2,000 fine. And this was in CA.
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