do you think the kids from 7th heaven are mad that dennis and sweet dee are their half-brother and sister?
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OOPS! I dropped my monster condom, that I use on my... MAGNUM DONG
I bet not even 20 people get this reference.
Ahhhh cat in the wall aye?!
what are your dislikes? people's knees
Yes, my good man, I'll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and your finest jelly beans...raw.
I'll take one please. One what? One crack rock please.
I thought Dee was married to Mac...
D.E.N.N.I.S System.
I do not want to eat the apple with the skin on it! I am not allowed to eat the apple with skin on it! I AM NOT ALLOWED!!!!
Haha one crack rock.,. Lmfao...
kitten mittens! you'll be SMITTEN
is your cat making tooooo muchhhh NOISE ALL THE TIME?!?
best fucking show ever. too bad the season finale is tonight :(.
The watriss is actually charlies wife in real life lmao....
Oh what a show! My favorite character is Shamous!
is that show even still on?
I get this reference...and it's awesome.
Computers are for losers.
SERIOUSLY who sends a text sayin that to their friends? i bet people think up shit all day to send into this site. i call bullshit
Gotta love always sunny in Philly, best show ever made. MILK STEAK
I think my cat is in the wall haha :]] love this show
and if your gonna quote Sunny get it right! i am embarrassed for whoever actually put Wildcats? its wildCARD
Wow 250, your a fucking retard.... It MAC not MACK.... fucking idiot...
Who watches 7th Heaven?
Ahahahahah reverend Camden gets around... What's up boners?!
I had to think about that fo a bit. Thanks for the laugh. GREEN MAN!
FLIP-FLIP-FLIP-A-DELPHIA sad that tonight is the season finale already...
I will smack your face off your face!
I'm a recovering crack head and this is my retarted sister that I take care of. We'd like some welfare please.
People watch that show?
i get the reference...and i fuckin' love it.
he's got those kids cranking out kitten mittons
Fuckin brilliant. If you don't get it, you're an asshat.
actually she's married to mac in real life, not charlie
someone is a "fucking retard" for spelling a name wrong by one letter? wow, maybe you need anger management.
Lmao 3:36. I just watched that episode today. I love this text.
Hahahaha yea and frank did their stepmom
Hahaha Charlie and Mack are the shit!!!
I think my cat is in the wall :]] I love this show!!!!
I get it, and it's so true.
It's a jumping off point! It's an egg!
Haha love it
house! house! house! flush! flush! flush! house! house! house! flush! flush! flush!
Pitt pitt pitt pitt Pittsburgh!
Omg !!! Haha greatest text!
10:12 This show is constantly quoted on here. Knowing Bruce was also on 7th Heaven isn't even close to some vague reference no one gets.
Don't get it. Don't care.
Frank in skinny jeans. Best season finally ever!
I'll throw a beer across his bow and scare him a bit /throws beer, bike guy crashes and stands up with pipe/ Shit! He's got a pipe GO GO GO Lmao!!!!
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