these pics are all outta focus - was this what the camera saw? or what your eyes saw?
I boned her and wore a Freddy mask once. It was pretty lol
I had a dream that chipotle was out of burritos... Was more like a nightmare.. Gotta go make sure it wasn't real now
Just wrote a paper about alcohol abuse that sounded like my weekend...
It's kind of sad that your greatest accomplishment today is that you stood up and didn't fall down.
Your either lost or getting food, if your lost find me a girl on your way back, if your getting food grab me a double cheese
Brown or brunette? Ketchup or mustard?
I love you bro
What happened to the good old days when we whispered the words beer pong and people came running?
If you can get her to make out with you without paying for it, I will personally make you president of the american lesbian league
Whoever labeled dysfunctional a bad thing obviously never saw this frinedship coming.
Jesus Christ I am the crazy cat lady of vibrators
yea I went to the store high again.. I think we're having pie for dinner.
If there's one thing i learned from edward 40hands is that i couldnt handle life with bottles for hands
You're the only person I know that could get laid while visiting their grandpa in florida
Worst. Date. Ever. He peeled a layer of bread off his mini burger buns because they had "too many carbs".
One day when i undoubtedly need an intervention please let it include lightsabers.
I think I can handle that.