Hey sorry about saying i hated you. it was the coke and the ice cream.
Either way, he made a blog for his cat.
whatever happens this semester dont let me be that girl yacking in the urinal. again.
Dude. I kneed him in the face and gave him a black eye. It's like a constant reminder of our hookup. I feel like herpes. I never go away...
The cop was more concerned with the syringes on the dash board than looking for the source of the smoke. Thank god for diabetes!
I'm okay with corrupting his young mind.
Ew! He's just a child!
Those titties aren't worth a lifetime of listening to her talk about gluten free yams and japanese manga.
$200 on plane. $110 on train. $5 per drink on plane. $15 per case on train. Plane 1 hour flight. Train 9 hour excursion. Hmmmmm.
So I hooked up with a guy with a mustache and woke up on a dragon futon underneath a dragon yin-tang tapestry... My life is spiraling in a weird way.
I'm gonna guess ur still high cus last night at like 3am my pillows were morphing into cats and I kept trying to pet them
gonna guess the empty vodka bottle and open can of tuna in the bathroom drawer are related?
He didn't have much of a personality. But I had like 100 orgasms, so that's cool.
It's a good thing you're straight. You'd make a horrible lesbian.
Places I vomited today: hotel bathroom, in the cab to the airport, airport bathroom, airport terminal trashcan, plane seat 18E, and the plans bathroom
Fun wedding?
Yes. Very.
My mom's yelling at me for being a whore and my dad's quizzing me on how to drive in winter weather....I'm home!