i'm sure her mom would have loved to find out her daughter has herpes via facebook
After she swallowed she let out a hurge burp. No BS. I'm the cock of the walk.
I think you have the wrong number. But at any rate, respect.
She does have a great personality.
Yeah, in her vagina.
ps... at the end of one of the videos you yell "let's do the eiffel tower again.. i'll be in the middle!" .. i almost died lolol
I just saw her punch a kid in the face.. i always knew she was the girl for me.
i was told that i was found face down in a plate of ketchup at the dinner table
I envy the lives of milf's kids, the little kid grabs her tits and she just laughs and says not now
Remind me tomorrow to take that ball-gag out of my purse.
All I can see in the pic you sent is white shorts...
Thas my pasnts in colleg! Tehy glow! AND SMELL LIKE BEER!
I also was calling every child by their name "Birthcontrol" - straight people are fun
Apparently at 2 AM I decided to let the world know about my newfound love for elephants
She gatecrashed the wedding and managed to get an invite to the open bar reception. Lucky bitch
Sorry bud. Having a shitty day because the GF broke up with my wife and I. We really liked her too
It was the cape. I can't control myself when I wear a cape.
The guy like flippppped out and made me pay $15 for a car wash. I thought I was being extremely courteous by making sure to puke outside the window