My dignity? Collapsing on itself like a dying star.
Today I made a list of everyone I have had sex with...there is more than double my age...
the only plus side is that now I'll be able to tell my son not to trust the condoms that his college gives away..........
Peach margaritas. And fuck whatever you're about to say, the girl to guy ratio is like 6:1. I need those odds
I hope this doesn't change things. I feel that me being a minor made it more exciting.
I have to overdose on valtrex I had a rough weekend.
If I weren't her cousin I'd take advantage of her and this low point in her life.
Exactly. Motivated vaginas are the best kind of vagina
But once you explained how to fill cupcakes with semen I realize you were harmless and right on my level.
I mean, that's eating your cake and fucking it too.
I see your creepy poodle photo and raise you a shirtless elderly gentleman who looks like a yetti in cutoffs who may or may not have an ENORMOUS erection.
.... touche....
I'm having post-experience "why didn't I fuck her in a public bathroom" regrets
I mean it was fine and all but I just don't understand why a man would need all that Simon Cowell paraphanelia
I'm sorry for what I said when I was orgasming
Quick question—how good are you at digging holes? I mean, besides the one you've dug for yourself. asking for a friend