is swine flu sexually transmttd?
Ha no, why?
sriously ive never had a hangovr this bad
Memo to the bitch sitting across from me at Swamp: no one thinks you're classy with your Louis Vuitton and your Burberry scarf when you're dragging on that cig like it was the last cock on earth and you needed cum for sustenance.
I dont think problem is the right word. Problems arent something you enjoy. Life would be too boring without gambling.
It was like little house on the drunk prairie.
Its only 9:11 and I just somersaulted through a window. Its gonna be a good night
I remember having the weirdest thoughts and thinking our room was a compass and we were in the compass or something.
i did nothiing wrong other than not tell that kid his whole back was covered in puke
Gonna open a taco bell in colorado. Millions bro.
I think it was clear she was setting us up when she brought me over to you and said "Present!"
Whore are you.
Is that a Yoda insult or are you asking me where I am?
My liver needs me to go back to work asap.
I apparently asked the bartender for a plastic bag and told her I was gunna puke then grabbed two handles from the bar then put the handles in the plastic bag and left.....
I hate how she's getting mean with age
Meh, you can't hate. That's our basic life goal and you know it.
Quit giving me a hard time, whens the last time you got head every night? Cougars are where its at they dont play games
Can I use your boat
Also, what’s the deal with international water? Do they have signs out there like a city does or do I need a map?
WTH is going on? It’s the middle of the night