She rubs her butt on the bed & then she growls..
This is the kind of period I feel I should name out of respect to the fact I might have just gotten lucky this time.....
Hello everyone will one of you please inform me on why I woke up in a cardboard recycle dumpster with no shirt and a stuffed animal? I want to hear this explanation.
Your godly.
I just found a bottle of gin in my vegetable crisper. Party is back on.
the question is "speedos?" and the answer is "yes".
We stared down the barrel of pure insanity, took more and the electric elephant god rewarded our fearlessness by giving me golden skulls and naked women crawling out of the walls. I love acid
He said it. He actually said "yes it's in".
Why am I the only one golf clapping for the vomiting girl on the train who just fell of her seat into her own vomit
Do you think Brian would let me smoke while we fuck? I'm not sure ill survive exams without a constant nicotine intake
Sure go ahead and start this 'business' with him...just don't come crying to me when you have to fake your own death in two years
I'm warming McDonald's pies on my heater cause I'm too high for the microwave.
Holy shit, I wanna ride him into the horizon.
Our office went out together for the first time to celebrate the fact our coworker got fired.
Hypothetically speaking of course, is it bad if a cat eats lube?
Just because you got dumped by some loser doeant mean you need Jesus. It just means you need better friends and some booze