Excuse me? I'm weird? You're the one sticking your penis into a pringles can.
Terrible. Enormous nipples with a small ring of boob on the outside. It looked like a tittie eclipse
u downloaded tardy 4 the party
then u started screaming about not wanting nene on the record
I don't have the money to get a cast so we made one from stuff at the craft store.
I've only been here for an hour and I've already made 6 babies cry.
Happy Birthday
no where in the syllabus does it say "no alcoholic beverages allowed".
In my defense it was my birthday and I really wanted to do it.
A girl pulled up next to me at a stoplight just now, looked around for a second, and then changed her top, bra and all, before the light turned green. New. Hero.
its kind of scaring me that i am turned on by tom cruise in rock of ages
Maybe just the first 2 wks of Nov can be dick detox.
I just did a jell-o shot with my grandmother. I can die now..
after what u told me last night I think we're past the wtf zone and at this point u should just join me in wondering if my barista lover is a gay porn star
He's 5'2" and his dick 4'8"
That's probably why white girls drink so much espresso. Piledriving coke and vodka crans takes a fucking toll man
Hey, what's the French word for when you meet your boyfriend's friend and you have that gut feeling that you smoked pot naked in a hot tub with him at a house party years ago?