Yes. Hungover. All the boys are going wakeboarding. Boys only. I wish I was a gay guy so I could go wakeboarding but still suck dick.
I just googled the nutrition facts for a mcgriddle and yet I still want to go to mcdonalds
saw you walking with that piece of shit
and that piece of shit just read that
Nothing makes my dick softer than hot girls in rain boots.
shes the kind of girl that would cock block endangered pandas
who was wearing the fake mustache? I just found one in my cleavage
How could you give up sex for lent? I gave up religion for lent years ago and never looked back. Or give up civility, not sex.
I have no idea. I think this is what happens when people take drugs in the middle of the day
He is stood at the top of the stairs nursing the stolen cat
I rather not break my neck. It's hard to look sexy with a neck cast.
I'm super disappointed in my clit.
This reminds me of the time you were crying and puking in the toilet at that party while i did shots of tequila in between blow drying your feet. miss you!
Got pulled over today for going 90 in a 40 zone with my leg out of the window. Still got out of the ticket. I'm getting way too good at this. Wanna trade bodies so we can see if it's my boobs or my charm?
admittedly, geting that drunk in front of my last two exes wasnt a good idea
probably didn't help that you cheated on them with each other either
I'm just happy stripping was the reason you fractured your hand